When our world is filled with darkness and it seems there is no light on the end of the tunnel, remember that it is HaShem who runs the show and in charge of all that is happening. We have to maintain an positive outlook and with having emunah we understand that it is all for best, that there is a reason.
Gratitude for all miracles, to the One who is always with us, eventhough we sometimes think we are alone. Emunah is ultimately needed in our relationship with HaShem, without it we fall to pieces and so does the relationship.
When the going gets tough, we best think about it as a test, as a call from HaShem to return to Him. Our mission to achieve tikkun is not something that is impossible to fulfill, HaShem would never give us a test that we can not carry. Often we do have gratitude for all that goes right, but do we also have gratitude when things are not going our way? The biggest challenge is to learn by everything that we experience, the good and the bad. We musn't forget our responsibility in His plan.
Any test HaShem is giving us we can pass and when we are aware of the problem, is the first step in Tikun HaNefesh.
Emunah is not only having faith and trust in HaShem, but also getting to know Him. He created us to be with us, and has given us a mission to bring Godliness to the world, to be with us. He has given us a precious gift, the Torah, to get to know Him. Zohar interpretation of the Torah by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai says that HaShem created us with a purpose of getting to know Him, and every experience of our life are messages to give us more emunah and to encourage us to reach out to Him. When davening, we can share everything, like we do in any relationship. It is emunah that we need, and gratitude for all we receive, the good and the bad.
Emunah is the recognition and the only stability we have is HaShem.