It is very important to strenghen our foudation of our beliefs in HaShem and the Torah, and having complete trust. There are many approaches, but not every approach is suitable for all. Go to your Rabbi and together work out what is the right approach of Torah learning for your mindset and personality, this will not only help you better understand what you are learning but also strenghten your emunah.
Learning Torah is getting to know HaShem. When we say that we believe, do we know what we believe? When we take a good look at life, the events and circumstance, we do ask questions, how are all these events happening in my life good for me? When we focus on the Divine Presence in our life and looking for emunah as why are things happening and what might be the message given to us.What is HaShem telling you? What is it He wants from me?
To strengthen our emunah is to connect with HaShem, in daily personal prayer talk to HaShem, share all your troubles, the good things, what makes you happy or what makes you sad. Thank HaShem with gratitude for all that is happening, not only the good but also the bad. When we accept the good we must accept the bad as well. But what is " bad "? Bad is something that should not happen, but how do we define what should or should not happen? When everything HaShem does is for the good, how can something be bad? Challenges are a divine communication that let us know when we stray and how to use our efforts to get back on our path. Challenges we get as it teaches us how to deal with times of distress. We should face whatever challenge comes unto are path with complete faith. Challenge stop us in our tracks and give us the chance to take time to review our life and listen to our soul and to hear and to do as we promised.
Chabad Chassidus teaches us 'Moach Sholet al halev ' The mind rules over the heart or tries to, this also relates to another teaching in Yiddish ' Tracht gut, vet zein gut ' which means Think good and it will be good, a very well known frase in times when we are struggling. Even in situations where it is difficult for us with our limitations to see good, we can still see how some challenges are good and not bad as they are often important lesson to learn. And with our inner spark we know that maybe not right at this moment but ultimately HaShem will show the good we can see with our own eyes.
Whatever your challenges are in life, approach them with positivity, with emunah and with gratitude.
The reasurance that HaShem is always there to protect us and never gives us anything we couldn''t handle.
Strengthen our emunah through davening and Torah study. How do we know it always will be good? Because it all comes from HaShem.