Lily Ebert ז"ל

Some years ago a came across a post, it was a post from Tiktok. A very sweet Jewish lady who wished Tiktok " Shabbat Shalom". What shock me most about this post were the comments, hurtful and antisemitic.

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Lily's Promis ❣

When Holocaust survior Lily Ebert was liberated in 1945, a Jewish - American soldier gave her a banknote on which he written " Good luck and happiness." When her great-grandson Dov decided to use social media to track down the family of the GI, ninety- six year old Lily found herself making headlines around the world. Lliy had promised herself that if she survived Auschwitz she would tell everyone the truth about the camp. Now was her chance.


In Lily's promis she writes about her childhood in Hungary, the death of her mother and her two youngest siblings on arrival in Auschwitz. She describes  the horrors and inhumanity, but also acts of defiance which gave her the strength and determination. The death of her youngest siblings in 1944 on arrival in Auschwitz, strengthen her determination to keep her other two sisters safe.


Lily and her sisters became slave labour in a munition factory, faced a death march that they barely survived.


Lily lost so much, but she managed to built a new life for herself and her family. First in Israel and later in London, England. This wasn't easy as the pain of Auschwitz was always with her. Lily is a extraordinary women who found strength to speak out and in the hope that this evil would never happen again.