Dear Yarden,
Words fail us.
We want to share your great pain, to say something that will ease it, but we know we cannot.
If we could, we would offer you a hug and say, “Yarden, you are our dear brother. We love you forever. Your wife, Shiri, is our sister, your children, Kfir and Ariel, are our children. We will forever love all of you.”
For the past year and a half, we never stopped thinking about, hoping, and praying for you and your family. We will continue to pray for you, and we will continue to remember and honor the holy souls of your family. Please know that hundreds of thousands of people all around the world did mitzvot for you and your family, and we will continue to do so.
The souls of your dear family will continue to shine bright.
When words fail us, we fall back on the traditional text said by Jews for generations:
“May the Omnipresent comfort you among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.”
The Team