Ani Maanim β˜† Devorah Schwartz


Ani Maamin is more than just words its a tapestry woven with threads of history, faith, and the indomitable jewish spirit. It serves as a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience of Jewish faith through the ages.


This version of Ani Maanim refers to the Holocaust.

Hold on tight β˜† Bracha Jaffe

Never alone β˜† Bracha Jaffe & Shaindy Plotzker

Hold on β˜† Shaindy Plotzker

Charity β˜† Rachel

A Yid  β˜† Devorah Schwartz & Esther Sara Zyskind

When I look at you β˜† Nechama Cohen

Who am I  β˜†  Nechama Cohen

Speechless β˜† Nechama Cohen

Heartbeat ♥️ Nechama Cohen

Chana's Song  β˜†  Devorah Schwartz

Fire  πŸ”₯  Shaindy Plotzker

Zachreinu L'chaim β˜† Shaindy Plotzker

Our Story  β˜†  Shaindy Plotzker

Beautiful Children  πŸŽ—   Chaya  Kogan

Ksh' halev boche  πŸŽ— Chaya Kogan

kama Kavod β˜† Chaya Kogan

Ani Ma'amina β˜†Chaya Kogan

Chaya Kogan  πŸŽ—

Unbreakable β˜†  Chaya Kogan

One Nation β˜†  Devorah Hasofer & Chaya Kogan